The i-help Foundation
The i-help foundation is an aid organisation created by i-like, which aims to offer financial help to people and especially children who are in need (due to illness, accident, war or other adverse circumstances). The foundation also promotes preventative care for children.
The i-help foundation supports various projects by various aid organisations and foundations and also implements its own projects. Donations and i-like products are made available to these people on an ongoing basis. With the i-like vision of “help people to help themselves”, the foundation wants to help promote the health, vitality and hope of those affected.
Behind the foundation:

What the foundation does
The aim of the i-help foundation is to financially assist people who are in need, and to offer them i-like products and to promote preventative care for children.

How you can help
Through your purchase at i-like, you support various aid organisations, institutions and the implementation of various projects.

About the foundation
The i-help foundation was founded in 2017 by the company i-like Metaphysik and is supported directly and indirectly by all customers and consultant partners.
Here are a few of our projects

PluSport Disabled Sports Switzerland
Sport and exercise bring joy and make success possible. In over 100 winter and summer sports camps as well as around 90 sports clubs and numerous training programmes, athletes can be active together, compete and motivate each other, win and win big. A very valuable benefit of sport and exercise is undoubtedly a good body image – this leads to greater self-confidence and self-esteem. The organisation is committed to ensuring that people with disabilities have access to sport and exercise all year round, regardless of the season. With our donation, we would like to support this valuable work to enable all children, young people and adults with disabilities to experience a sense of well-being.

Food donation to the "deutsche Tafel"
Food is one of our basic needs and should not be withheld from anyone. Food is produced at great expense and is valuable. We are committed to ensuring that it is not destroyed but consumed. Voluntary, independent, in solidarity: this is how the more than 960 food banks in Germany work to combat food waste and poverty. They support around two million people with food. We know that our diet has a significant influence on our well-being. The i-help Foundation wants everyone to be able to enjoy this vital energy and has donated over a tonne of different foods from the i-like range worth over 35,000 euros to the German food bank.

PluSport Disabled Sports Switzerland
Exercise, sport and play are a basic need. People stay fitter, their bodies more efficient, their muscles more stable and their souls happier. All in line with the i-like philosophy - to feel good all round. We are delighted to be able to actively support disabled sports again this year with a donation. People with disabilities are an equal and self-determined part of our society. The sports, exercise and service programmes offered by PluSport promote equality and make an important contribution to an inclusive society. PluSport has been committed to this for 60 years.

Ride for a good cause
The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride brings together motorcyclists from around the world to raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer research and men's mental health. The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride was founded in Sydney, Australia by Mark Hawwa and was inspired by a photo of Don Draper from the series Mad Men sitting on a classic motorbike wearing his best suit. The aim was to combat the often negative stereotype of men on motorbikes while riding for a good cause. We would also like to do our bit and make a donation in the name of the i-help Foundation for the benefit of men.

Easter nests from the Waldheim Foundation
This year at Easter time, a pink Easter bunny from the "Widnouer Rokker" ice hockey team knocked on our door. He had beautiful Easter nests in his luggage, which were lovingly made by the residents of the Waldheim Foundation. The Waldheim Foundation offers adults with disabilities a home for life in modern residential homes. They offer assisted living, day structure, training places and sheltered workplaces. For the 3rd year in a row, the Widnouer Rokker ice hockey team is supporting this great organisation with its Easter nests. In addition to the packaging work, 100% of the proceeds go to the Waldheim Foundation. Naturally, we at i-like have supported this great campaign and ordered diligently.

Support for Silvie S.
Life is not always on the sunny side. Anyone can unexpectedly find themselves in an emergency situation. Be it through illness, accident or other strokes of fate. This is also the case for Silvie S., who has already had two bouts of cancer, many operations and emergencies. She has lung damage (COPD and pulmonary fibrosis), a tracheostoma (opening in the windpipe) and a feeding tube. Silvie S. is therefore now focussing on her health management. Health is a person's greatest asset. That is why the i-help Foundation has come up with something special for Silvie S.'s well-being and provided her with an OptimizAir and a sinus 5 GO.

PluSport Disabled Sport Switzerland
Sport in its various forms is healthy for the body and mind. It strengthens a sense of community and promotes social skills. In the spirit of "help people to help themselves", i-like not only promotes your potential, but also actively supports disabled sport in Switzerland. As an umbrella organisation, PluSport promotes people with disabilities from grassroots to elite sport. For all target groups, age groups, forms of disability, in different types of sport. In around 90 PluSport sports clubs, children, young people and adults have the opportunity to train regularly and play sport together. We are delighted that we can contribute to people's well-being with our donation.

Help for Ukraine
The events in Ukraine are preoccupying Europe and the world. Together with i-like business partners Peter Maag and Rahel Granja (left in the picture), we were able to offer direct and unbureaucratic help where it is most urgently needed. i-like products worth over CHF 7000 were transported directly to Ukraine. Among them - especially appreciated - a large number of Bouillon, ProMetaVit, CurSun+ and ProWheyDrink. Thanks to Peter Maag and Rahel Granja for their initiative, which the i-help Foundation was delighted to support. Many thanks also to Oksana and Retus Sgier (pictured right) from the board of

A piano for Carmen Renner
As 2021 draws to a close, we at i-like would like to think of our fellow human beings and spread some kindness. Carmen Renner suffered a stroke as a child and has been cared for ever since. Her greatest wish was to learn to play the piano. She received the donation from the i-help Foundation in the form of an electric piano, including a few lessons, with a wonderful smile on her face.

Support for the Pestalozzi Children's Village
The i-help foundation offers help where it is really needed, namely the children in the Pestalozzi Children's Village (for children traumatised by war). In 2021 it made an extra-large donation, because success at i-like means bigger donations for good causes. Children are our future! Especially now in the pandemic, when really many people can no longer afford donations, the i-help foundation has stepped in at exactly the right time for many organisations!

PluSport disability sports Switzerland
Especially in these challenging times of coronavirus, sport is an important and very welcome change. That is why we have actively supported disability sports with donations in 2020 and 2021. PluSport has been heavily involved in online sports in order to be able to offer its members as broad a choice as possible despite the lockdown. Since many social contacts have disappeared, sport is more important than ever today, especially for maintaining self-esteem and self-confidence. We are pleased that our donation can contribute something to people's wellbeing.

100 trees for our future
The idea is simple and great at the same time. Plant-for-the-Planet is a foundation that was founded by the then nine-year-old student Felix Finkbeiner in February 2007 as an initiative for children and young people. The goal of Plant-for-the-Planet is to restore the world's trees. The earth has around 3,000 billion trees. That sounds like an enormous number, but in truth these are only 46% of all trees that once existed. i-like has committed itself to this great project with a donation for 100 tree plantings.

Together for Luke Böhm
Luke is a bright, special 6 year old boy who suffers from progeria. Progeria is a very rare genetic disease that causes sufferers to age disproportionately quickly. There is no research or treatment in Germany. That is why Luke has to fly regularly to the USA, where he can have tests carried out and receive medication. The Böhm family has to pay for the cost of the trip and the stay there out of their own pocket. That is why the i-help foundation supports Luke and his family with the supportLuke donation campaign. 50% of the sales proceeds from the Luke support packages will be donated directly to the family. We would like to thank all the customers and consultants who have been supporting Luke alongside us over the long term.

A donation for the Arosa Bear Sanctuary
As part of a collaboration with the animal welfare organisation FOUR PAWS, the innovative and sustainable Arosa Bear Sanctuary project was set up in 2018. Bears who previously had to live chained in tiny cages are set free and brought to Arosa. In the midst of a natural mountain landscape with pastures, bushes, rocks and forest, the bears can find a way back to their natural behaviour and habitat. The first residents of the Arosa Bear Sanctuary, Napa, Meimo and Amelia, are already feeling very comfortable in their new home. We are pleased to be able to support the Arosa Bear Sanctuary with a donation and we are thankful for the foundation's valuable work and commitment.

Children's summer festival in the Pestalozzi Children's Village
On Sunday, 11 August 2019, the Pestalozzi Children's Village celebrated this year's children's summer festival with the theme of “Children's Rights”, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Dr. Alfred Gruber and his wife Brigitte Gruber were personally on site as members of the Curti Circle. The Curti circle is made up of helpers who try to do good for children around the world. The valuable work of this foundation is actively supported by the i-help foundation. One very special experience was a piece by the Swiss-Tibetan artist Dechen Shark-Dagsay (see picture), who opened everyone's hearts with her performance. Thank you for this experience!

PluSport disability sports Switzerland
We are happy to support disability sports with a donation. Sports activities not only promote health, but also help to increase self-esteem and self-confidence, and open up new ways of making friends, accessing leisure activities, social networks, integration into school and work and much more. Sport knows no disability. The umbrella organization of Swiss disability sports, with 86 sports clubs across Switzerland, is committed to ensuring that children, young people and adults with disabilities have the opportunity to do sports on a regular basis. Every year 100 sports camps for around 1200 people with disabilities are organised and co-financed.

Christmas donation from the Pestalozzi Children's Village
At Christmas there was a generous donation for the Pestalozzi Children's foundation. In addition to the CHF 5,000 cash donation, we were also able to give the children's village, which currently offers 96 children from war zones a home and psychological care (we love it!), a whole load of i-like bioresonance body care products. The idea here is to assist with regulation of the body, which is the basis of mental health. And who can help with that better than i-like? Thank you from all of us to the supervisors in the children's village for the wonderful energy they convey there! That is the very essence of “help to self-help”!

Support for “Stunde des Herzens”
Stunde des Herzens is a children's aid organisation that takes care of children and families who are not always able to enjoy the sunny side of life. Let us not forget those in need on our own doorstep, and let us help where we can. The main focus of the Stunde des Herzens is on “giving time”. Giving time is done, for example, by fulfilling wishes, and creating events and encounters. As far as possible, funds are also made available to organise urgently needed aid or treatments. Our donation to the children's aid organisation “Stunde des Herzens” was our way of saying thank you on behalf of the foundation for their great work.

Body care for Freundeskreis Asylum
You can support someone in many different ways. For many institutions, a donation is mainly about financial support. The best donations, however, are those that reach the affected people immediately and directly. That's why i-like donated five whole pallets of natural body care to the Freundeskreis Asyl. The Freundeskreis Asyl works on refugee aid and does a lot of voluntary work. Among other things, working groups and language courses are offered, as well as support for education, work and much more.

Room-Converter for kindergartens
The i-help foundation invests in our most precious future... our children. As part of an extensive project, a large number of kindergartens were equipped with Room-Converters. The generation of electrosmog is known as field radiation from an electromagnetic wave. This always occurs when electricity is generated technically, transported or consumed in some form. When the Room-Converter is installed, the negative influences of electrosmog are corrected. The harmonisation produced by the Room-Converter is particularly noticeable when it comes to the very young. This must be one of the most adorable, moving projects we have ever undertaken.
These and many other i-help foundation projects have already been implemented. And there are more and more on the way! Thank you very much for supporting us by shopping at i-like, which is what makes the work of the i-help foundation possible. There is still a lot of work ahead of us and we are really looking forward to it.
Your i-like team